In snowed in Louisiana this month, but The Snow Queen doesn't like the cold.
Don't be fooled by a lack of crown.
Artist Statement
I would classify my photos in this project as grown-up play. The model is my sister Janet, and artistic photo-shoots are one of the things we like to do together. When I suggested we go for a Frozen theme, she expected that she would be the redheaded sister. I never think of her as the sidekick, so as a way of subtly boosting her confidence I made her the powerful snow queen rather than comic relief. She makes me smile but reminding her that she is strong and capable of anything is important to share with all women.

The technique is very simple. I wanted the photos to look like a portrait that would hang in the great hall of an ice castle. The White background and the Blue light are meant to give the feeling, rather than just "photoshopping" a castle into the background. The fact it snowed in Louisiana early this month is just cool. (Pun intended.)
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